Thursday, April 30, 2020

ICT as a Communicative Tools

Role of ICT as a Comminicative Tools

The next lesson we took was on ICT as a communication tools. The tutor explained in a very explicit detail of how ICT influences our daily communication world. 

Through the explanations and discussions, I realized that ICT can be used as an interface to engage student and teacher or between any two humans virtually. This type of communication has become a very important tool in the recent days due to the fact that the world is suffering from CoVID-19, a respiratory and pneumonia like illness which is quite like a flu. Therefore, contact communication between any two human beings, be it strangers or even closed relative is relatively deemed dangerous. 

The communication forums of ICT basically are social media platforms, emails, electronic bulletin boards, chats, teleconference and electronic white boards etc... Teaching and learning via telecommunication has never been easy and it never is.  However, as mentioned earlier, the current situations of the world has pushed us to the extremities of using whatever is available and easy to use. For teaching and learning purpose, we have used Skype, blogs, we-chat and online discussion forum among other platforms. 

Online Discussion in VLE

Using Blogs as a Communication Tools

Creating and writing a blog, has been really a notable journey that has happened this year. I am able to read what is happening as well as the reflections of the lessons from my friends. I realized that each one of us has our own way of interpreting the same lessons that we have taken together. At the same time, I am able to write my own feelings and understandings of the lesson. This is one of the best way to know the status of each of us. 
My Blog

I think that having a blog and interpreting the lessons is a fun way of learning lessons rather than the classic style of doing assignments and spending sleepless nights. Therefore, using ICT as a communication platform has been achieved with the usage of blogs. Following is the link of my blog. 

Updating my learning in blog
With the blogs, now I think I know better of the content of the lessons as well as my friends and their daily lives. I was also able to keep up with all the things that are happening inside the minds of my friends as well as I was able to jolt down my feelings. What could be a better way of expressing oneself than to share some of your thoughts to the world.

The world is a stage!

Thank You

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Reflection on ICT as an Informative Tools


       Presentation on Hitler

The modern world also called the digital world, ICT acts as an information tools. This function of ICT helps in dissipating information at an speed like never before. Informative tools are applications that provide large amounts of information in various formats such as text, graphics, sound, or video. According to Chen & Hsu (1999), Informative tools can be regarded as a passive repository of information. Examples include tools and informational resources of the existing multimedia encyclopedia of the Internet through search engines like google. Today google provides information and other multimedia platforms and holds every information on earth which are interlinked through millions of servers around the world creating a meshed network of information. 

Adolf Hitler was GAY and loved teenage boys, CIA files claim ...

For example, we were asked to find information on the sexuality of Hitler and prove whether he is a gay or straight. For that matter, I searched the information in the internet through various multimedia platforms like videos ( and word information. Various sources give argumentation of various information proving that Hitler must be a gay or otherwise.
Links such as and and many other provides varying information.  After all, it depends on one’s own perspective to look and reiterate this information. 
The Internet is a huge electronic database, and it is said that researchers consider the Internet as the most significant ICT tools in e-learning or electronic learning environments. Even the primary kids around the world are relying on the internet to do their homework. Scholars and researchers around the world use internet to get information on the various arguments. This is proven through various studies done.

Today, as we are facing CoVID-19 pandemics in the world, we use ICT in a greater cause to share and disseminate information throughout the world. Even education and learning which is one of the most vital ways to transfer knowledge of the world are done using internet and ICT facilities.  

Thank you!