Monday, May 25, 2020

Reflection on Social Media

Social Media:Facebook

Increasingly, many educational researchers indicate the potential role of social Medias in solving instructional problems in an educational setting. A social networking service is an online platform which we use to build social networks or social relationships with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. Social networking services vary in format and the number of features. There are many Social Medias like Facebook, we chat, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn are examples of social networking sites.

IV PCA Edu Tech 2020 group chat
Our tutor created a group in Facebook called IV PCA Edu Tech 2020. I was wondering what we are going to post and discuss in that group. Unexpectedly, we were asked to upload our camtasia video in the group created.
My Camtasia video uploaded in Facebook(IV PCA Edu Tech 2020)
After that, we were asked to do peer assessment and comment on each other’s work. I think I wasn’t thinking out of the box, till date I was thinking that social media can be used to upload ones photo, watch newsfeed and wish somebody on his/her birthday.
Commenting on each other's work 
Comments on my blog
From that day, I came to know that we can even use social media as platform to assess each other’s work which was another great experience provided by our tutor. In line with that, again using social media, we were asked to vote for the best video where sir created poll for us to vote.
Poll for Voting
How can we use Social media in School?
Now, I realize that we can even use social media as platform in teaching and learning. It is not necessary to attend real-time classroom for teaching and learning, even though it is deemed necessary. However, given the emergency situation like this pandemic, teaching and learning can be done through virtual classrooms and social media.  We can use social media to asses students work fairly like we did in ICT-419.

Thank you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Reflection on ICT as Co-constructive Tool

Computer as co-constructive tools
Co-constructive tool is any applications that support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding or collaboratively consolidating the ideas. We can use co-constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. One way of co-construction is the use of the Google docs where we may post notices or lead discussions to come up with new ideas to shared documents.

We can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding through means of communicative tools like Google classroom, Google docs, PPT etc. We can also co-edit the same document from their homes.

Following tools can be used as co-constructive tools:

  1. Presentation software (such as PowerPoint) enables instructors to embed high-resolution photographs, diagrams, videos and sound files to augment text and verbal lecture content.
  2. Google docs can be used in the class or outside the classroom for discussions. Students and teacher don't have to be together physically but they can actively engage in discussions in the Google docs.
  3. Blogs can serve as meaningful tool to establish what you write and showcase your creativity. Every student can get the blogger account and post, comment, share and read others post etc.

Reflection on Google docs
What is a Google doc?

A Google doc is one the co-constructive tool which we can used to introduce computer as co-constructive tool. We can use co-constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. We may also co-edit the same document from different places with the editing option where we can interact and edit work together.
To explore and understand the working of Google doc, we were divided into groups and asked to plan a lesson by interacting in the chat about the lesson plan instead of physically coming together.  We discussed using our own computer and we decided the following plan.

The benefits of using ICT as co-constructive tools are we can co-edit, communicate database, text and graphics, it enhances collaboratively learning environment. Instead of wasting time on gathering we were able to carry out successful discussions anywhere and anytime using computer/ smartphones. 

We were able to identify and develop expertise using ICT as co-constructive tool in the classroom. It is important for developing creative partnerships within the classroom. In a classroom, cooperation and collaboration is very important. Through the use of Google docs, it taught me the importance of effective communication with others to solve problems which is one of the necessary skills as being a future teacher. 

Co-constructive tools can be one of the effective tools for students as well as teachers, as they can work together in the process of learning through collaboration with others without coming together physically. Co-construction of learning allows us to have a social interaction which makes our learning unique, more creative and fun. 
Thank you!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

ICT as Co-constructive tool

What are co-constructive tool?
Co-constructive tools, also known as collaborative tool are tools for supporting student’s construction of some tangible projects as a manifestation of their construction of knowledge. The idea is inspired by Vygotsky's social development theory.  Vygotsky focused on the connections between people and the sociocultural context in which they act and interact in shared experiences. It also support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding and share ideas thought collaboratively. In co-constructive tool reconstruction of the knowledge sharing additional knowledge ideas from a different user happens.
It means working independently to construct some sort of personal knowledge. Examples like students posting their notices to a shared electronic whiteboard or document conferencing, blogs, Google docs and discussion forum. It supports the knowledge through a shared understanding. Moreover they share their ideas and thought collaboratively. Even it enhances reconstruction of the knowledge sharing and there is additional knowledge ideas from different users.

 Concept of Co-constructive tool
1.   A co-construction tool is an approach, where it is an emphasis on collaboration, and partnership working. It also includes the interactional process such as cooperation and coordination. 
2.   Co-construction is the concept that students can use to help them learn from others and expand their knowledge.
3.   Applications that support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding, share ideas and thought collaborative and reconstruction of the knowledge sharing additional knowledge ideas from different user.

Examples of co-constructive tool

Google Docs. Source: Google

Blog. Source: My Blog
Discussion Forum.Source: PCE VLE

It help students develop
  • Higher level cognitive processes.
  • In-depth understanding of information.
  • Active- International learning.
  • Literacy and literacy-related problems.
  • Collaboration knowledge construction.
Importance of co-constructive tool
  • Higher-level cognitive process (explanation, finding the problem, problem-solving and so on)
  • In-depth understanding of an informative text.
  • Active and intentional learning
  • Literacy-based problems.
  • Identification of their own scientific misconceptions and means to overcome them. 
  • Identifying and developing expertise.
  • Collaborative knowledge constructions. 
  • Enhance the collaborative learning environment. 
  • Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge.
  • Exchange and share of ideas stimulate thinking.
How can we use  in School?
In the future, I can use those above mentioned ideas and help students’ to expand their knowledge. Now, I realize that we can even use Co-construction tool as platform in teaching and learning to construct collaborative knowledge.

Happy Reading!