Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Reflection on ICT as Co-constructive Tool

Computer as co-constructive tools
Co-constructive tool is any applications that support the construction of knowledge through a shared understanding or collaboratively consolidating the ideas. We can use co-constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. One way of co-construction is the use of the Google docs where we may post notices or lead discussions to come up with new ideas to shared documents.

We can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding through means of communicative tools like Google classroom, Google docs, PPT etc. We can also co-edit the same document from their homes.

Following tools can be used as co-constructive tools:

  1. Presentation software (such as PowerPoint) enables instructors to embed high-resolution photographs, diagrams, videos and sound files to augment text and verbal lecture content.
  2. Google docs can be used in the class or outside the classroom for discussions. Students and teacher don't have to be together physically but they can actively engage in discussions in the Google docs.
  3. Blogs can serve as meaningful tool to establish what you write and showcase your creativity. Every student can get the blogger account and post, comment, share and read others post etc.

Reflection on Google docs
What is a Google doc?

A Google doc is one the co-constructive tool which we can used to introduce computer as co-constructive tool. We can use co-constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. We may also co-edit the same document from different places with the editing option where we can interact and edit work together.
To explore and understand the working of Google doc, we were divided into groups and asked to plan a lesson by interacting in the chat about the lesson plan instead of physically coming together.  We discussed using our own computer and we decided the following plan.

The benefits of using ICT as co-constructive tools are we can co-edit, communicate database, text and graphics, it enhances collaboratively learning environment. Instead of wasting time on gathering we were able to carry out successful discussions anywhere and anytime using computer/ smartphones. 

We were able to identify and develop expertise using ICT as co-constructive tool in the classroom. It is important for developing creative partnerships within the classroom. In a classroom, cooperation and collaboration is very important. Through the use of Google docs, it taught me the importance of effective communication with others to solve problems which is one of the necessary skills as being a future teacher. 

Co-constructive tools can be one of the effective tools for students as well as teachers, as they can work together in the process of learning through collaboration with others without coming together physically. Co-construction of learning allows us to have a social interaction which makes our learning unique, more creative and fun. 
Thank you!


  1. wow Tshering!!!
    I really liked the way you reflected upon the lesson learned. Its really creative I must say. The way you reflected upon Google doc is impressive as well. The images that you used are relevant and shows how much you have learned as you used google docs with your friends together.
    It is a very good reflection Tshering!

  2. Hi Tshering, you have reflected well on co-constructive tools with relevant images. By going through your reflection, I am sure that the readers will clearly get your understanding on the co-constructive tools. I like the way you have reflected your learning from Google docs. Keep on writing!

    1. Thank you for sharing your honest feedback on my reflection

  3. You have critically reflected with relevant images. Your reflection on Google doc uses and what you have learned while designing the lesson with peers in this co-constructive tool is really impressive. I am sure that reader will also get clear information on co-constructive tools. Keep Reflecting.

  4. Hello dear,
    I can see your learning through your reflection. It’s been reflected well about co constructive tool with appropriate images. Liked it.

  5. With all the chaos of pandemics and natural calamities faced in 2020, using ICT for constructive purposes especially in teaching and learning sessions can be another portal on which educators have to consider in order to continue the system of educating our youths. Education can be possible with the use of ICT tools as well.

    I highly commend your ideas and explanations with detailed images and graphical representation. Keep up the good work writer!
